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Individual Counseling available by appointment

THE HEALING STREAM, a ministry of The River Church of St. Joseph, is a place where you will feel heard, loved, and included, and will receive encouragement and prayer for the issues that bring stress and anxiety to your life. Privacy and anonymity is mandatory.

Individual counseling is available by appointment:

The goal is to guide a path of hope for positive, productive living. Life is full of challenges and experiences that often cause grief, depression, anxiety, fear, along with other issues. Counselors with deep compassion and a sincere love for people bring positive and Biblical approaches and other support resources to assist in the needed help. We desire to exemplify Christ's love and gentle spirit without judgement, to those looking to resolve struggles-including addictions, so they may enjoy peace, contentment, and the freedom to enjoy life.

There is no fee for the counseling services at this time.

Homework assignments may be given to help to move ahead toward restoration and recovery.

"But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed."  Isaiah 53:5

For more information contact our director, Crystal Dowdell, at 816.294.5975.


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